Monday, 2 March 2015

7 Signs of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine is a very powerful drug that creates psychological dependence by stimulating the key pleasure areas of the brain. Tolerance is developed quickly so the abuser tends to use more to experience the same high. Below are signs of cocaine abuse.

Powdery residue. Cocaine looks like sugar or laundry powder and is sniffed by the user. Look for traces under the nose or on his belongings.

Eyes. The pupils dilate during the period of the high and turns red and watery due to stimulation or sleep loss.

Sniffing. Abusers may wipe their nose often because cocaine causes runny nose. It also leads to nose bleeds and other internal nose damage.

Needle marks. Some dissolve cocaine and inject them to the bloodstream. Check for puncture marks on the arms or legs.

Moodiness. During the high, the abuser may appear overly happy for no apparent reason. They become hyperactive and do things in speed. However, as the effect wanes, their mood dips dramatically and they become lethargic, irritable or even violent.

Leaves frequently. The high lasts only for a short period of time so to maintain it, the abuser is likely to take frequent trips to secluded areas to take the drug.

Not functioning properly. They begin neglecting responsibilities and may spend more time with other abusers.

Convince a cocaine abuser to seek treatment from drug rehabilitation centers. These institutions utilize different therapies to help their patients function properly in the society once again.

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