Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Going Beyond 12 Steps

The 12-Step program is commonly tied to Alcoholics Anonymous or AA where it has been used as a stepping stone in the road to alcohol and substance abuse recovery. The program has been used by organizations like AA and Narcotics Anonymous for over 100 years and it has been a useful guide to the path of sobriety. A serious addiction will almost always cause a relapse and although the 12-Step program might be a step by step guide, it has not been very successful in helping many individuals.

One Size Does Not Fit All

The step by step approach to dealing with serious addiction may work for a few, but the limits it sets on those who are recovering are often times too much. A new approach to overcoming addiction is to see it through a wider perspective. There is no “one size fits all” solution; in fact it is the opposite. Instead of looking at the addiction, the focus should be on the person. Considering their needs, capabilities, and the extent of their addiction means more care and attention can be provided. Once the patient has been properly assessed, then the healing can begin.

Personalized and Holistic Healing

Ranch Creek Recovery has programs which include the 12-Step method, but it is not the only option available. Taking into consideration the limits of each individual, their personal therapy needs, and their recovery, the facility offers progressive treatments and programs. Instead of setting a set of guidelines, what Ranch Creek offers is the opportunity to develop long lasting good habits that will be instilled in each recovering individual. If you are like many who have struggled to stay sober using the 12-Step program, you might benefit from a different type of treatment. .

The road to recovery is not a straight line; there will be bumps in the road, but with the help of uplifting and constructive forms of rehabilitation, you can recover.

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