Monday, 23 March 2015

Break the Habit for Good: How to Avoid Relapsing

Congratulations on breaking free from the shackles of substance abuse. It isn’t easy to complete rehabilitation for drug addiction, and you should be commended for your commitment and effort.

Unfortunately, drug addiction is a lifelong battle. After all, anyone can have a relapse at any given moment, and find themselves back on the road to addiction. There are, however, steps you can take to significantly reduce your chances of relapsing, including:

Gain the Support of Family and Friends

Having a support group is vital to recovery .According to research, roughly 20 percent of people who relapse do so due to social pressure. This statistic underlines the importance of surrounding yourself with people who want to see you stay clean. If you ever feel the need to return to old habits, give a friend or family member a call and talk your craving through.

Get Some Exercise

Exercise is a fantastic way to get your mind off of any cravings you may suddenly feel. Additionally, the extra sweat you produce during strenuous exercise helps your body flush out remnants of any toxins from previous substance abuse.

Go See Your Therapist

No one has said you can only see your therapist while in the process of rehabilitation. Staying clean means having to deal with situations or feelings that forced you to abuse drugs in the first place. Your therapist can help you confront these instances even after a rehab program and guide you accordingly.

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