Friday, 20 March 2015

How to Convince a Loved One to Seek Drug Rehab

They say that you should never try to change other people and that you can only truly change yourself. However, there are some severe cases which undeniably calls for an intervention. Drug addiction, for example, is a circumstance that may demand the involvement of the addict’s family members, friends, and loved ones to intervene and attempt to convince the individual to seek the necessary treatment.

Persuading people who are already dependent on drugs will definitely be a struggle. The best manner to approach the situation would be to avoid threats and intimidation and focus on becoming a supportive and compassionate force in their life instead. Confronting addicts or alcoholics with anger and manipulation will only make them withdraw and isolate themselves more from other people. Trying to understand their predicament may be more difficult than serving harsh judgement, but it is a more effective way to get through a person.

Of course, every individual is different. While showing compassion and support is proven to be fruitful, there are some addicts who respond better to confrontation. If the first approach fails to deliver the desired results, there may be a need to resort to threats and fear-based arguments. It is always important to remember, however, that while people can attempt to force their loved ones into participating in drug rehabilitation programs, the success of the recovery will always ultimately depend on the individual’s desire to change for the better.

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