Monday, 25 May 2015

3 Good Reasons to Quit Your Addiction Now

When addiction takes hold of you, it can be easy to simply give up on recovery and think that you’re too far gone to be rescued. Don’t believe that lie. Addiction thrives in your despair, forcing you to believe that you are worthless and that you can’t quit. If you’re looking for some inspiration to take that first step to recovery, consider these three ways your addiction negatively impacts your life:
Poorer health
When you abuse alcohol or drugs, you lower your immune system and open yourself up to serious diseases and health problems. And that’s not all—intravenous drug users increase their chances of contracting or spreading deadly blood-borne infections. Meanwhile, those who smoke their drug of choice make themselves vulnerable to lung problems and respiratory infections.
Poorer relationships
Addiction is a social disease that can seriously affect your relationships with those who are closest to you. It can change your behavior, and make you treat your loved ones abusively. In your most desperate moments, you might even be compelled to steal your family’s most beloved possessions. When you’re an addict, you deprive everyone of who you really are.
Poorer finances
You’re probably well aware that drug and alcohol dependency can undermine your financial wellbeing. Apart from your addiction draining your finances, your dependability on work can be severely affected, and you could get yourself fired.
Addiction may be hard to overcome, but recovery is always just around the corner no matter how bad things get. Seek help today.

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