Monday, 1 June 2015

Understanding the Difference between Abuse and Addiction

Substance abuse and substance addiction are used interchangeably, but the truth is they are two different terms. Although both have major and grievous effects on a person’s life, people who struggle with addiction and those who abuse substances are not the same. Understanding the differences between the two can help remedy the situation if you or a loved one is struggling with substance use.

The Harsh Truth

At the surface, a person who abuses drugs or alcohol still has control over their lives. It is their choice to pick up a substance and use it to the point of abuse. An addict on the other hand may seem as though they only have an abuse problem, but looking deeper into their situation it will be evident that their lives are falling apart.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

The biggest difference between abuse and addiction is the disruption is causes in a person’s life. For alcohol or drug abusers, they are conscious of their actions, which means that their life has a semblance of normalcy. Although their lives may not be affected greatly, this does not mean that their health, thinking, and spirit are not affected. One main advantage of a user is they are able to learn from their mistakes and are able to change their behavior, which cannot be said the same for addicts.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

An addict acts on impulse. The substance becomes a need that they are not able to control their want for a fix. Addiction is a disease that affects most areas of a person’s life. One bad decision leading to another which can make the situation grow worse with time. A chemical decency develops within the addict’s body which makes will-power useless in overcoming the destructive behavior.
Although abuse and addiction are two different situations, the best approach in to overcoming these dangerous habits is to find a place where healing and therapy can begin. Enrolling in a program for alcohol treatment in San Diego or committing to a drug rehab in San Diego is the start to a better, healthier, alcohol and drug free future.

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