Wednesday 18 November 2015

Many Trauma Survivors Suffer from Addiction

Heroin, alcohol, and meth addiction are difficult for anyone to go through. Many people who suffer from these addictions have past trauma that contributed to the addiction. Examples of trauma that often result in addiction include combat experience that results in PTSD, rape or sexual trauma and periods of severe emotional stress.

Why Treating Co-Occurring Disorders is Necessary

Without treating other emotional issues occurring at the same time as the addiction, an addict is more likely to relapse. Most addicts have serious problems with their quality of life while actively drinking or using. Treatment in a recovery setting helps ensure that the addiction and other issues are dealt with.

Events During Childhood May Require Treatment in Adulthood

Many don't realize how many people who suffer from trauma as children have ongoing problems in adulthood. In many cases, children develop addictive behaviors from an early age when they have access to drugs and alcohol. Therapy as an adult can help them learn to live more fulfilling lives.

There Are Many Options Available

Depending largely on the severity of the patient's addiction, an inpatient may stay anywhere from 30 to 90 days in a rehab. Holistic therapy that treats the patient's needs from a whole-person perspective helps with providing a better perspective for lasting recovery. Outpatient programs following initial rehab help prevent relapses and enable the family to support their loved one in ongoing recovery.

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