Saturday, 18 July 2015

What to Expect From an Alcohol Rehab Program

Alcoholics have only two routes to choose if they’re looking to end their addiction: either do it by sheer willpower alone, or go to rehab and undergo a special recovery program. For most people, choosing the latter is the most recommended (and perhaps most obvious) choice. 


In an alcohol rehab program, the detox process is almost always the first stage, and it’s a process that all alcoholics on the path to recovery have to undergo. For alcohol detox, the first step involves stabilizing the patient physically and slowly helping him/her get through and over various withdrawal symptoms as easily as possible. It’s not rare for a rehab center to require clients to complete detox before joining the facility, given its importance in the recovery process. 


Therapy can’t be missed—more specifically, behavioral therapy and support groups. This is because alcoholism is not merely a physical ordeal, but also a psychological and social one. Therapy sessions typically vary according to a specific patient’s needs, along with special recommendations of attending physicians. 


Then, there’s the aftercare program. Alcoholism treatment doesn’t begin and end with the stay inside the rehab center’s premises. The most successful programs typically sport a strong aftercare program which is also tailor-fitted to the patient’s needs. Aftercare typically employs support groups or off-site therapeutic contact for continuing treatment.

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