Monday, 27 July 2015

The Objectives of Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Negative emotions like sadness, guilt, shame, anger and fear are a natural part of our lives. However, there are people who do not have the capability to control their emotions, resulting in severe emotional trauma that triggers even more intense emotions. Most individuals who have borderline personality disorder (BPD) are prone to self-harm behaviors such as suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts and self-cutting whenever they experience anxiety and depression. Experts recommend Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to learn manage this difficult mental condition.

The Top Targets in DBT Treatment

The primary goal of Dialectical Behavior Therapy is to help the patients discover a life worth living. This concept varies from patient to patient. For some, a life worth living is finding the love of their life, getting married and having kids. For others, it might be joining a spiritual organization and devoting their lives to a higher power. Even though their perceptions toward “life worth living” differ, they have common attitude in reacting to ordinary life problems that can result to death if not taken under control. This is the reason for the top four stages with targeted behaviors in DBT:

Stage 1. Taking one’s behavior under control – this means reducing and eliminating life-threatening behaviors and thoughts. Diminishing the behaviors that inhibit quality life such as phobias, anxiety, eating disorders, as well as ordinary life problems including money, job and peers; uplifting the factors that can contribute to the ideal life worth living.

Stage 2. Converting emotional shutdown to positive emotions – this stage lets the patient feel all emotions – positive and negative – without allowing the emotions to control them.

Stage 3. Dealing with ordinary life problems – patients work on ordinary problems that we encounter naturally in our lives. Be it a marital problem, personal dilemma, career goals or job satisfaction, some of them opt to continue therapy after accomplishing their goals and some choose to undergo other therapy and find new therapists to help them continue their treatments.

Stage 4. The feeling of completeness – after the third stage of DBT, people still find themselves incomplete. They often refer to it as “spiritual dryness” or “an empty feeling inside”. The most conventional remedy for this is seeking spiritual paths and sometimes, a change in career path.

Find Dependable Care

Save your loved ones from this horrible situation. Advise them to go under a drug rehab in San Diego where they can meet trustworthy and friendly therapists. The choice relies on you whether you want to avail of outpatient or residential rehab, depending on your loved one’s current condition. Start consulting the experts with a confidential call. Dial 951-602-5676 for inquiries.

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