Friday, 19 June 2015

Tips to Motivate Addicts to Seek Help

Substance abuse is a huge problem for both a person and their loved ones. If someone you know is trapped in an addiction, you’ll need to get them help. Los Angeles alcohol rehab centers offer treatments and therapies that aim to help drug and alcohol addicts recover by helping them flush out the harmful substances from their system. Unfortunately, when a person becomes completely dependent on drugs or alcohol, convincing him or her to seek help becomes a struggle.

The best way to influence your loved ones to undergo a rehabilitation program is to make them believe that seeking treatment is their own decision. A recovery will only be successful if the person wills it to be. Coercing them with threats or intimidation will only succeed in making them feel isolated and unloved. Making them realize, on their own volition, how treatment at a rehab center could change their life will encourage them to take a step in the right direction.

While there is no single method that works for everyone, most professionals would advise family members, spouses and friends to try a more loving and supportive approach. Break their denial by getting them to understand how their habits have been hurting and affecting not only themselves, but also their relationships with other people as well. Showing genuine concern without acting as an enabler for their habits makes a more powerful and effective motivator than force.

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