Saturday 6 February 2016

Loving an Addict by Backing Away and Providing Safe Space

Living with and loving an addict can be a very painful process. For those in close and daily contact with someone suffering from an addiction, it can be easy to fall into some bad habits that add to the burden the addict is already suffering.

Blame: Resenting the addict as the cause of disruption and pain in your joint life is destructive for all concerned. Engaging in blame leads to all or nothing thinking such as, "If they would quit drinking, we wouldn't fight," or "We're out of money because you keep gambling!" The best way to stop this thinking is by building alternatives for both the addict and their loved ones. Splitting bank accounts and building some solitary time into your days together can reduce the weight of guilt on the addict and uncertainty for those near them.

Control: Pouring alcohol down the sink doesn't work; you'll never find the hiding spaces. Additionally, this sort of behavior proves to the addict that they are untrustworthy. If someone is uncertain as to whether they can trust themselves, controlling behaviors can be very discouraging.

Addiction is a disease that spreads out like ripples on a pond. Choosing to swim along with a loved one means that everyone in the relationship will be impacted by the illness and will need to learn a better way to go with the flow.

Ranch Creek Recovery is a San Diego rehabilitation center that caters to victims of substance abuse. Feel free to visit our website to know more about us.

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