Saturday, 25 April 2015

Dangerous Myths About Drug Addiction Debunked

Drug addiction is a serious issue currently gripping the society. It’s pretty justifiable to rebuke the thought of addiction itself, though not a lot of people really know about its inner workings, much to the peril of addiction sufferers themselves. Here a few dangerous myths about drug addiction debunked.

It’s A Choice – A lot of people believe that drug addicts chose their current path. They didn’t. The National Institute on Drug Abuse explains that the person’s initial decision to start using the drug is the only thing he chose to do, not the long-term dependence. Over time, continuous drug use literally alters the brain and leads to compulsive (even uncontrollable) cravings.

Willpower Is Enough – There have been former addicts who did well enough in using willpower alone, but they were few and far between. For the millions of other addicts, such a path wouldn’t hold up for long or even work outright. Addiction is a biological disorder that hampers the brain’s correct functioning, which mostly requires medical intervention to solve the problem.

Addicts Are Horrible People – Again, drug addiction is a brain condition. The way it changes the brain chemically can significantly alter an individual’s perception of the world—mood changes, alteration in motor skills, and behavioral issues included. At times, environmental, social, and biological factors are also the main culprits for the addiction, not the individual’s character. To consider drug addicts as bad people is incredibly judgmental and inappropriate.

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